Processing ---------- Once all the previous parameters have been defined, the alignment of the selected images is performed by pressing the ``REGISTRATION`` button. An indicative value of the "goodness" of the alignment (**score**) is displayed in the application's console (bottom left). This value is calculated based on the proportion of well-overlapping binarized images relative to the total overlapping area. The quality of the overlap can be assessed by viewing the **Combined image** in binary mode (with ``Apply Mask`` enabled). From a visual point of view, red and green zones indicate areas of non-overlap (equivalent to a 'XOR' operation) between the original binarized **Fixed** and **Moving** images. .. figure:: ../_static/scoring.png :align: center :width: 100% **Combined images** after registration in gray (left) and binarization (right) mode respectively leading to a score of **95.8%** with ``StackReg``. With each registration computation, the matrix corresponding to the **affine transformation** applied to the **Moving image** (regarding the transformations activated in the ``Options`` tab) is displayed in the terminal associated with the application's execution:: [[ 0.77767435 0.43040319 -24.41735391] [ -0.63508967 1.16203181 52.11186476] [ 0. 0. 1. ]] The ``INV`` mode allows the roles of **Fixed** and **Moving** images to be reversed during the registration processing. After registration, each of these images can be saved via the ``SAVE IMAGES`` button. The alignment parameters (e.g., ROIs, thresholds, ...) can also be saved in a .json file using ``SAVE PARAMS`` for later reuse with ``RELOAD PARAMS``. .. note:: To reduce computation times during the registration processing, high-resolution images are sub-sampled to a size of **512 pixels** per dimension. This criterion can be adjusted through the ``Max image size`` parameter under the **Registration** section in the ``Options`` tab.