images_alignment.alignment module
Class dedicated to images alignment
- class images_alignment.alignment.ImagesAlign(fnames_fixed=None, fnames_moving=None, rois=None, thresholds=None, bin_inversions=None, terminal=None)
Class dedicated to images alignment
- Parameters:
fnames_fixed, fnames_moving (iterables of str, optional) – Images pathnames related to fixed and moving images resp. to handle
rois (list of 2 iterables, optional) –
- rois (regions of interest) attached to the fixed and moving images, each defining as:
[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
thresholds (iterable of 2 floats, optional) – Thresholds used to binarize the images. Default values are [0.5, 0.5]
bin_inversions (iterable of 2 bools, optional) – Activation keywords to reverse the image binarization
terminal (object, optional) – object with an associated write() class function to write messages
- fnames_tot
Images pathnames related to fixed and moving images resp.
- Type:
list of 2 list
- fnames
List of the current fixed and moving images filenames
- Type:
list of 2 str
- imgs, imgs_bin
Arrays related to the current fixed and moving images, in their raw or binarized states resp.
- Type:
list of 2 arrays
- dtype
Datatypes associated to the current fixed and moving images
- Type:
list of 2 dtype
- rois
- rois (regions of interest) attached to the fixed and moving images, each defining as:
[xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
- Type:
list of 2 iterables, optional
- thresholds
Thresholds used to binarize the images. Default values are [0.5, 0.5]
- Type:
iterable of 2 floats
- angles
angles to apply resp to the fixed and moving images before registration. (each angle to be chosen among [0, 90, 180, 270])
- Type:
list of 2 int
- bin_inversions
Activation keywords to reverse the image binarization
- Type:
iterable of 2 bools
- terminal
object with an associated write() class function to write messages
- Type:
- registration_model
Registration model to be considered among [‘StackReg’, ‘SIFT’, ‘SIFT + StackReg’, ‘User-Driven’]. Default is ‘StackReg’.
- Type:
- points
Coordinates of the matching points between the fixed and moving images (filled by all registration models except ‘StackReg’).
- Type:
list of 2 list of floats
- max_size_reg
Maximum image size considered when performing the registration. Default value is 512.
- Type:
- inv_reg
Activation key to reverse ‘fixed’ and ‘moving’ images during the registration calculation. Default is False.
- Type:
- tmat
Transformation matrice returned by the registration.
- Type:
numpy.ndarray((3, 3))
- img_reg, img_reg_bin
Arrays issued from the moving registrated image in its raw or binarized state resp.
- Type:
- mask
Array (dtype=bool) associated with the overlapping area issued from the registration.
- Type:
- tmat_options
Dictionary composed of options to build the ‘tmat’ transformation matrice (translation, rotation, scaling, shearing). Default values are True.
- Type:
dictionary of bool, optional
- order
The order of interpolation. See:
- Type:
int, optional
- fixed_reg
Activation key to perform the worflow calculation with a fixed ‘tmat’. Default is False.
- Type:
- results
Dictionary that contains the workflow score and tmat of each alignment
- Type:
- dirname_res
Filenames associated with the ‘fixed_images’ and ‘moving_images’ resulting images sub-folders
- Type:
list of 2 str
- binarized
Activation key to display images according to their binarized values
- Type:
- resolution
relative resolution parameter (between [0., 1.]). Default value is 0.
- Type:
- min_img_res
Minimum image resolution associated to ‘resolution’=0. Default value is 256.
- Type:
- rfactors_plotting
Rescaling factors used for images displaying (each one between [0., 1.]). Default values are [1., 1.].
- Type:
list of 2 floats
- juxt_alignment
Mode of images juxtapostion (‘horizontal’ or ‘vertical’). Default value is ‘horizontal’.
- Type:
- apply_mask
Activation keyword to limit the combined image to the overlapping area. Default is True.
- Type:
- ax
Axes associated to the image alignment application to display the different images. Default is a 4 horizontal axes to respectively display the ‘fixed’ and ‘moving’ image, the ‘juxtaposed image’ and the ‘combined image’.
- Type:
matplotlib.axes.Axes object
- reinit()
Reinitialize ‘points’, ‘img_reg’, ‘img_reg_bin’ and ‘results’
- load_files(k, fnames)
Load the k-th image files
- load_image(k, fname)
Load the k-th image
- get_shapes()
Return the shapes related to the cropped (or not cropped) images
- update_rfactors_plotting()
Update the ‘rfactors_plotting’ wrt ‘resolution’ and ‘imgs’ sizes
- binarization_k(k)
Binarize the k-th image
- binarization()
Binarize the images
- crop_and_resize(imgs, verbosity=True)
Crop and Resize the images
- registration(registration_model=None, show_score=True)
Calculate the transformation matrix ‘tmat’ and apply it
- registration_calc(registration_model=None)
Calculate the transformation matrix ‘tmat’
- registration_apply(show_score=True)
Apply the transformation matrix ‘tmat’ to the moving image
- save_images(fnames_save)
Save the fixed and moving images in their final states
- set_dirname_res(dirname_res=None)
Set dirname results ‘dirname_res’
- apply_to_all(dirname_res=None)
Apply the transformations to a set of images
- save_params(fname_json=None)
Save parameters in a .json file
- static reload_params(fname_json=None, obj=None)
Reload parameters from a .json file and Return an ImagesAlign() object
- plot_all(ax=None)
Plot all the axis
- plot_k(k)
Plot the k-th axis
- plot_fixed_or_moving_image(k)
Plot the fixed (k=0) or the moving (k=1) image
- plot_juxtaposed_images(nmax=10)
Plot the juxtaposed images
- plot_combined_images()
Plot the combined images