images_alignment.application.callbacks module
Class Callbacks attached to the application
- class images_alignment.application.callbacks.Callbacks
Class Callbacks attached to the application
- select_axis(event)
Select the axis to be displayed in ‘fig1’
- spine_axis()
Spine the selected axis
- init_rectangle(event)
Initialize rectangle
- add_or_remove_points(event)
Add or Remove a point
- init_or_remove_line(event)
Initialize or Remove a line
- remove_moving_line()
Remove the moving line
- draw_line(event)
Draw the line in ‘fig1’ (with ‘User-Driven’ mode activated)
- draw_rectangle(event, set_roi=False)
Draw a rectangle
- set_roi(event)
Set ROI from the view to the model
- zoom(event)
Zoom/Unzoom the ‘fig1’
- update()
Update the view parameters from the model and the plots
- update_file(k)
Update the k-th image from the fileselector and its related one
- update_plots(k=None)
Update the plots
- clear_plots()
Clear points
- update_fig1()
Update the fig1
- update_rois(k)
Update ROIs of the k-th image from the Tkinter.Entry
- update_threshold(value, k)
Update the threshold value associated with the k-th image
- update_registration_model()
Update the threshold value
- update_tmat_options(key)
Update the tmat_options boolean values related to the ‘key’
- update_inv_reg()
Update the ‘inv_reg’ value
- update_fixed_reg()
Update the ‘fixed_reg’ value
- update_juxt_alignment()
Update the ‘juxt_alignment’ value
- update_apply_mask()
Update the ‘apply_mask’ value
- update_angles(k)
Update the angle of k-th image
- update_resolution()
Update the ‘resolution’ and ‘rfactors_plotting’ values
- bin_inversion(k)
Invert the binarized k-th image
- registration()
Apply registration
- save_images()
Save the fixed and moving images in their final states
- reload_params()
Reload parameters
- apply_to_all(dirname_res=None)
Apply the alignment processing to all the images
- plot_results()
Display the figures related to the ‘dirname_res’