Developers Notes

Fitspy is a new project (started in 2023).

Developers are warmly encouraged to collaborate and contribute to the ongoing improvement of Fitspy. Contributions are welcome in the form of bug reports, documentation, code , feature requests, and more…

… keeping in mind that Fitspy must maintain its primary goal: to remain as simple, generic and user-friendly as possible :)


The issue tracker can be used to report bugs or propose new features. When reporting a bug, the following is useful:

  • give a minimal example demonstrating the bug,

  • copy and paste the error traceback.

Pull Requests

If you want to contribute to improve the Fitspy source code, you can send us a pull request against the main branch. Small bug fixes and corrections to the user guide are typically a good starting point. But don’t hesitate also for significant code contributions, such as support for a new file format - if needed, we’ll help you to get the code ready to common standards.


  • investigate erratic timelaps when opening files with tkinter.filedialog

  • update dynamically the 2D map figure during fitting

  • make widgets size depending on the users screen size

  • enable widget stretching

  • change Tkinter for pyQt or PySide :) (task scheduled for mid-2024)

  • create a fitspy icon for the taskbar

  • create an ‘About’

  • add the progress bar inside the GUI