Input data files

Two types of input data can be interpreted:

  • basic single 1D-spectrum

  • 2D map spectra


From the 2024.5, it is possible to load .dm3, .dm4, .emd, .hspy, .nxs files and many other formats thanks to the rosettasciio readers integration (see here for more details about the readable formats).


The input data file format for a single spectrum is based on 2 columns representing the support (x) - typically associated to wavelengths or energies - and the spectrum intensity (y).

The separators between the columns can be tabulation t, comma ,, semicolon ; or space .

Note that the first row is skipped and the (x, y) rows can be unordered.

Example of input data file:

#Wave       #Intensity
958.468750  307.873749
956.974609  292.814697
955.480469  327.923798
953.984375  307.819580
952.490234  314.483063
950.996094  322.817566
949.501953  329.477692
948.005859  312.723724
946.511719  321.054932
945.015625  346.104187

(Full 1D data files can be found here.)

2D-map spectra

This second type is generally associated with 2D-map acquisitions.

The related format is based on a first line related to the support (x) of the spectra and starts with 2 tabulations t.

The subsequent rows are related to the spectra intensity at the ‘pixel’ coordinates (X), (Y) defined in the first 2 columns. The number of intensity values defined at each row must be consistent with the support (x) defined in the first row. The X-Y spectra can be defined in a partial and unordered 2D grid.

Note that (X) and (Y) are not necessary related to spacial dimensions. They can refer to any other dimensions like time, a study parameter …

Example of 2D-map input data:

\t  \t  958.468750  956.974609  955.480469  953.984375  952.490234  ...
0.  0.  307.873749  292.814697  327.923798  307.819580  314.483063  ...
1.  0.  308.425364  291.142875  320.452365  305.234865  312.325687  ...
2.  0.  306.325648  291.235672  324.834579  306.378541  312.387649  ...
8.  10. 307.873749  292.814697  327.923798  307.819580  314.483063  ...
9.  10. 308.425364  291.142875  320.452365  305.234865  312.325687  ...
10. 10. 306.325648  291.235672  324.834579  306.378541  312.387649  ...

(Full 2D-map data files can be found here).


Illustration of a partially unordered 2D map issued from unordered_map.txt