Release Notes

Version 2024.5 (September 4, 2024)

New features:

  • A semi-automatic approach for the baseline determination has been added

  • The spectra can now be displayed before and after the baseline subtraction


  • The progressbar (with the number of CPUS used during the calculations) has been integrated in the processing windows.

  • The spectra input data formats have been extended to .dm3, .dm4, .emd, .hspy, .nxs files and many other formats thanks to the rosettasciio readers integration

Bug fixes:

  • Allow fit processing without any peak or background model (just for baselines visualization for instance)

Version 2024.4 (February 27, 2024)

New features:

  • noise is now estimated and a noise level criteria enables to automatically deactivate peak models in noisy regions.

  • optional outlier detection has been added, enabling the disregarding of outliers during baseline calculation and fitting processes.

  • ‘xtol’ fitting parameter has been added (associated with ‘leastsq’ and ‘least_square’ fitting methods).

  • all fitted parameters from all loaded spectra can now be saved in a single file named ‘results.csv’.


  • multi-threaded calculations return now the complete fit report.

  • a new boolean argument, ‘reinit_guess’, has been added in, enabling the adjustment of initial values for ‘ampli’ and ‘fwhm’ to the current spectrum. This helps circumvent “ill-conditioned” peak models (with fwhm~0) resulting from previous ‘Fitspy’ model calculations.

  • lists are now written to .json files on a single line.

  • parameters and statistics displaying have been separated.

Bug fixes:

  • the index count used to label the models was not reset to 1 when reloading a model

  • 2d-maps with a single X or Y coordinate were not supported

  • the Lorentzian model could previously return Nan values when dealing with fwhm=0

  • the threads execution used by apply_model() to display the different progress bars did not quit correctly in some cases

Version 2024.2 (January 29, 2024)

New features:

  • Add a progressbar in the terminal and in the GUI to follow the calculation progression during the fit processing

  • Enable the loading of user-defined models through dedicated ‘Load’ buttons in the GUI.


  • Display the models parameters on the figure whatever the fit status

  • Highlight/reduce the peak model curve linewidth according to the fit success status

  • Reproduce the same view when reloading a model, considering the fit success status

  • Take into account the ‘fit_kws’ through the ‘kwargs’ of to be passed to the lmfit

Code changes:

  • Baseline format/use revisited to disable multiple baselines subtract capability (the ‘baseline_history’ spectrum attributes has been removed)

  • Spectrum attributes has benn changed from:
    • ‘peaks’ to ‘attractors’

    • ‘peaks_params’ to ‘attractors_params’

    • ‘models’ to ‘peak_models’

    • ‘models_labels’ to ‘peak_labels’

    • ‘models_index’ to ‘peak_index’

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug when reloading ‘old’ model.json in which bkg_model was absent

  • Fixed bug when using user-defined model in multithreading

  • Fixed bug in bkg_model plotting

  • Fixed bug in removing ‘old’ Spectra 2D-map when reloading a ‘new’ one (the ‘old’ Spectra 2D-map figures are now closed)

Version 2024.1 (January 16, 2024)

New features:

  • Add user-defined model capability from external files (in a ‘.txt’ file located in %HOMEUSER%/Fitspy for models creation from literal expressions or in a ‘.py’ file from python scripting)

  • Add Fitspy static HTML Sphinx documentation in

  • in 2D-map, in addition to intensity, the model parameters can now be displayed and the corresponding 2D field can be exported in a .csv file

  • Spectra, Spectrum and SpectraMap class have now their own dedicated .py modules


  • Add background visualization and display the corresponding parameters in the tabview

  • Display only the used parameters models in the tabview

  • Add xmin and xmax (optional) arguments to spectrum.load_profile() to ease the x-range setting when loading profiles by python scripts

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug for system identification that enables clipboard copy on Windows only

  • Fixed bug on data paths in the examples

  • Make the application exit correctly and add a widget to confirm it

  • Fixed bug: make the fitting possible for a standalone background model

  • Fixed bug: enable the background models to be saved and reloaded

Version 2023.x

First releases.