fitspy.spectra module

Class dedicated to handle ‘Spectrum’ objects contained in a list managed by “Spectra”

class fitspy.spectra.Spectra(spectra_list=None)

Bases: list

Class dedicated to handle ‘Spectrum’ objects contained in a list


list of SpectraMap objects


Index related to the Progress bar during the fit processing




spectra_list (list of Spectrum objects, optional) –

property fnames

Return all the fnames related to spectra AND spectra maps

property all

Return all the spectra related to spectra AND spectra maps


Return the raw intensity array related to spectra AND spectra maps


Return spectrum and parent (spectra or spectra map) related to ‘fname’

outliers_limit_calculation(coef=1.5, nmax=5)

Calculate the outliers limit from ‘coef’ * intensity_ref

save_results(dirname_res, fnames=None)

Save spectra results (peaks parameters and statistics) in .csv files

  • dirname_res (str) – Dirname where to save the .csv files

  • fnames (list of str, optional) – List of the spectrum ‘fnames’ to save. If None, consider all the spectrum contained in the ‘spectra’ list

save_figures(dirname_fig, fnames=None, bounds=None)

Save spectra figures

  • dirname_fig (str) – Dirname where to save the figures

  • fnames (list of str, optional) – List of the spectrum ‘fnames’ to save. If None, consider all the spectrum contained in the ‘spectra’ list

  • bounds (tuple of 2 tuples, optional) – Axis limits corresponding to ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax))

static load_model(fname_json, ind=0)

Return a fitspy model (‘model_dict’) from a ‘.json’ file

  • fname_json (str) – Filename associated to the spectra .json file where to extract the fitspy model

  • ind (int, optional) – Spectrum index to consider as model in the spectra issued from the .json file reloading


model_dict – The corresponding fitspy model

Return type:


apply_model(model_dict, fnames=None, ncpus=1, show_progressbar=True)

Apply ‘model’ to all or part of the spectra

  • model_dict (dict) – Dictionary related to the Spectrum object attributes (obtained from for instance) to be applied

  • fnames (list of str, optional) – List of the spectrum.fname to handle. If None, apply the model to all the spectra

  • ncpus (int, optional) – Number of CPU to use during the fit processing

  • show_progressbar (bool, optional) – Activation key to show the progress bar

progressbar(queue_incr, ntot, ncpus, show_progressbar)

Progress bar

save(fname_json=None, fnames=None)

Return a ‘dict_spectra’ dictionary with all the spectrum attributes and Save it in a .json file if a ‘fname_json’ is given

  • fname_json (str, optional) – Filename associated to the .json file for the spectra saving

  • fnames (list of str, optional) – List of the spectrum ‘fnames’ to save. If None, consider all the spectrum contained in the ‘spectra’ list

static load(fname_json, preprocess=False)

Return a Spectra object from a .json file